Saturday, December 5, 2009


Holy Fudge!! This is little dude is crazy!! Everyday around mid day and right before we go to bed he decides that he is uncomfortable and needs to go run a marathon or dance around =].
It is the most SURREAL thing ever to see your tummy move! Before I could just feel him and now I can feel him AND see him move! It is crazy! I wish I could explain it better.... it feels crazy and seeing it is even crazier!
Tristan LOVES it! He thinks it is the coolest thing ever! I however have seen way too many sci-fi/horror movies and I keep thinking it is just going to BURST right outta here!
when he kicks [or whatever it is] my whole belly shakes! Hahahaha. I can always tell which side he is lying on because my stomach will be slightly larger on that side.
It is just so neat! I mean after being pregnant/ seeing it, how can you not believe in a higher power? It is just such a crazy, neat, amazing, powerful experience. If you ever get the oppurtunity it is just.....celestial.

1 comment:

  1. This is so cute Rach, Do you have any preggy pics I can see? Wayyyyy happy for you. <3

    love always
    Kaela ^_^

