Friday, February 26, 2010

Mommy and Daddy Hood!

Holy Craziness!! That is all that comes to my mind when I think in less than 35 days or so we will be parents! Haha!
 I read and read and read and read it seems hundreds of different things and sources, as well as hear lots of advice from family and random people on parenting. Holy cow can it be over whelming! I will fully admit that I am really scared to be raising a child in this day and age with all the different medical conditions and sick psycho's that are out there but along the same lines I am so grateful for the medical technology and opportunities that are out there and that my kid will be able to experience and try.
The funny thing about reading everything I do, is that everyone says it is soo hard to raise a child and everything changes and you need to be prepared. While I do agree with that, I think that you really only can be prepared so much because life is life! There are so many variables and other craziness that goes on.
I guess this post is really to my amazing partner in crime. Tristan, Tristan, Tristan! What more can I say?! 
Sometimes, I will read something about scary things happening to children or about how some peoples babies cry their first 5 months of life and think to myself, "Freakin A what did I get myself into?!!" But then I look over and see Tristan.... he is right there with me, 100%. He does everything he can for me and our little family. We always talk about everything and our feelings and especially our,"what ifs" about life and raising our little baby. Whenever we disagree, we always work it out, even if it is "to agree, to disagree". He is definitely my "crutch", I guess you could call it. He is always there for me and I am so grateful for that. I am grateful that we fought to stay together when others were convinced that we shouldn't be together. I couldn't ask for a better partner or daddy for our baby. I think the thing I am most grateful for is his patience =], I most definitely have the worst temper in the world and have NO patience! Tristan loves me in spite of myself haha. I am grateful that Tristan will be patient with me and our kids. I don't tell him this as often as I should and I guess that is why I write about it [even though my grammar and spelling is horrible! So my point doesn't get across very well in writing either ;)]. 
I am home all day and have lots of thinking time and I tell ya, when you are pregnant, you are crazy hormonal so little things will explode into huge deals, that you just have to tell the world.  Tristan texted me this morning after he left for work, "I love you forver." and I know he will. He does little small things like that, that just reiterate to me that there is nothing we won't be able to work out together.
I do love the guy despite the fact that his gassy butt stinks up our whole apartment!
And Tristan makes fun of me after he read these because I never ever proof read my posts, so really just make something up if it doesn't make sense when you read it! =] 
This was us on like our 4th date =]

1 comment:

  1. now you guys are parents!! great ones im sure! keep me updated on your little cutie!

