Friday, June 4, 2010


Baby life! Holy cow!!
IT IS GREAT! Haha I feel so blessed that we have an amazing baby!
I should probably give my labor story! HA! 2 months late, but I actually think it is quite entertaining. When Tristan tells it, it is the best =]. 
On March 26th 2010 I woke up at about 2AM with really weird back pains, I assumed it was BH contractions. I went back to sleep but then woke up again and this happened twice more before I realized it was happening every 10 mins. So I thought that a nice warm bath would calm me down and make the pains stop, I was kind of freaking out because it was happening every 10 mins and all I could think about was, "Um...if these are contractions I will start freaking out when they start happening every 5 mins." Unfortunately I had to wake Tristan up because our shower stopper thingy is stuck in the up position and won't go down without a lot of force. I told Tris I thought I was having contractions but I would wake him up again if they happened every 5 mins. UNFORTUNATELY the bath didn't help and I started having WORSE contractions every 5 mins and man I was HUNGRY! So I woke up Tristan and told him I was hungry and then I let it slip in that I was have contractions every 5 mins. By this time it was about 3:30AM, Tristan said that we should go to the hospital because he has positive I was in labor. After another hour of me crying because I didn't want to go and lots of pain we finally left for the hospital. When we got there I was dilated to a 6.5! So I was officially in labor! They gave me a muscle relaxant until 7 am when I got my epidural which was THE most amazing thing EVER! I didn't even feel it! It was great! So then they said I should try and sleep, after politely informing me I could only have clear liquids!
They didn't give me any pitocin  because I was fully dilated and I started pushing at 11:45Am. After throwing up once, lots of cursing and aggravation and 2 hours of pushing, I had Dorian at 1:38 PM.
Man was he worth it!!

1 comment:

  1. haha I would have cried about going to the hospital too! Dorian is really cute!

